The success of governance at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) relies on cooperation, collegiality, openness, and, most importantly, a belief in the mission of our college:
With a commitment to being inclusive, Mt. Hood Community College offers a full range of education and training in a supportive environment to advance personal and professional growth. We are a community hub for cultural, economic, recreational, and intellectual enrichment.
The college recognizes the importance of broad participation from employees and students in policy development, decision-making, and the creation and dissemination of ideas and strategies to move the college forward. To support this recognition, the college activates participatory governance to increase employee and student engagement in the governance of the institution, per Board Policy (BP) 2510: Participation in Local Decision Making and its accompanying Administrative Regulation (AR) 2510. Core elements of this type of governance model rely on the college community to be engaged, collaborative, and aligned with the college’s mission, equity statement, values, and strategic goals.
Consistent with BP 2510 and AR 2510, councils serve as the primary mechanism for stakeholder engagement with governance, with membership comprised of classified staff, full- and part-time faculty and tutors, management and confidential staff, and students.